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I have to disagree with you KillZone, More powerful hardware doesn't make any games for of those Genres better as far as game play goes, I still prefer the first AOE over all other RTS that have come out after all these years, it's simple, fun and perfectly balanced.

3rd parties at the moment do seem to be making a great deal of casual games for two reasons
1) Nintendo did it and it worked
2) they haven't had enough time to create any epic games. This is also why we are seeing so many ports. Many of the Ps3 games are also ports during this phase of it's life cycle.

Even so my point still stands, the user base of Wii is willing to buy mature games, it just takes a couple of really good third party FPS/TPS ect games to lead the way, Red steal wasn't up to the task and yet it was the far more successful then any of the Ported games.

At some point Dev's will see that and start making Exclusive titles. Maybe I just have more faith in Dev's then you do Killzone3 :)

@ Rol, thanks for the info! I think that is why they Just called it the "Wii" and not the "Nintendo Wii" it gives it a fresh start, same with the DS

@DonWii thanks for the Info on the N64, I haven't owned any Ninty products before the Wii so I'm still having to do some catch up research :)

The Wii is a totally different beast to the Cube, the user base is a powerful draw to the developers and the fact that only 10% of Wii users are new to gaming really proves that it's not just casuals that are buying the Wii, it will sink in really fast that they don't want just casual games.

I have no doubt Red Steal will be far from the last FPS made exclusively for the Wii as the demand is very high for a good one.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"