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Actually Dynasty Warriors I would consider somewhere between Madden and Wrestling games. Their teams are kingdoms and they get new additions to their roster in every game and yeah there are stats. For instance in part 4 if you took Zhuge Liang with no power ups into battle he wouldn't physically dominate as much as say Lu Bu. Break out his Musou however and wow. I never thought that this would be exclusive seeing as to how the only ones that ever were was 2, a couple of extreme legends and 4 empires maybe. So no surprise here at all.

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.