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This is all that needs to be said: You can level and gear up doing nothing but RvR.

I'll be starting retail Thursday, it's nice to have an MMO that doesn't make you grind or farm before you can actually have fun. It's the first MMO I've played where I wasn't always looking at the next level but actually enjoying the moment I'm playing.

RvR is just great. It encourages team work on the PvP side much better than any previous MMO, it reminds me a lot of TF2 in MMO form. Also, all classes are balanced taking into account PvP first and foremost, PvE is nothing more than an afterthought. As far as BGs, the lone review on game rankings said it best: they put WoW BGs to shame.

It won't be a WoW killer, but all of the PvPers who have been marginalized over the years will move over to Warhammer, I imagine it'll be the PvP game while WoW will be pigeonholed as the PvE game. I think they'll both co-exist pretty peacefully since one doesn't care about PvP and the other doesn't care about PvE. Another interesting bonus to this is that there is much more emphasis placed on playing with your side than playing against the other side so it's a lot less antagonistic than WoW's PvP.

Also as far as Guild Wars vs WoW, it was created by ex WoW developers, most of whom were unhappy about the state of PvP in that game.

Anyway, Warhammer kicks some major ass if you like PvP and don't like the boring tedium of other MMOs; it does a very good job of getting rid of a lot of the stuff like farming and grinding.