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Username2324 said:
Well, I have an iPod Touch, got a 16GB for $400 last year, and while its not an iPhone, it is very similar, and in my personal opinion it was not worth it. Yes it's a cool little device, but the majority of what I use it for is music, and it's nearly full. I would have been better off with a video, which could store more and cost less.

Anyways, I have no problem carrying a phone and my ipod, my phone in fact has a better camera and comes on a better network.

So I would say the PS3 would be the more valuable purchase, unless you have a strong need to view webpages on the go.

this. it's the best alternative. as much as I want an iPhone, I don't want the iBill. All you need with an iTouch is wifi. And you don't get a camera, but so what?

man, your love for the PS3 is sickening - and to think, you chose an iPhone over the vaunted PS3. Sorry, but from this point forth, I won't take your PS3 love/360 bashing serious again.

ITouches rock. I have a iTouch - I love it and can do without the phone functions.