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/Puts on Nintendo strategy hat

How about early next year, say first week of April, Nintendo drops the current US wii bundle and comes out with 2 skus. The first would be the wii only for $200. The second would be bundled with wiiFit and balance board for $250. This way, you draw in the people who want to play wiiFit at a really nice price and you give a nice price break to the people who just want the wii. It'll sell extremely well this way, as I'm guessing that wiiFit is going to cost around $70 by itself. A $320 investment would be a bit much for someone just trying to get in shape. Really, the idea is to simply get it into people's homes and let it fly from there. Additionally, release wiiSports packed with a wiimote for $50.

Bah, I'm flying to San Francisco and applying for one of those new marketing positions.