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Wow, even Ckmlb is getting in on the action. "50th Mario" huh? You sure Killzone3 isn't just another screen name you use to post under to avoid sullying your mod handle? Or is adopting the language of a Sony troll just something you do as an unbiased owner of all three consoles?

Listen kids, this isn't a matter of blood & gore vs parental values. It's a simple matter that Miyamoto is entitled to his opinion and is for the most part right. There is nothing wrong with gory games but time and time again the "mature" factor is undoubtedly used as a crutch for lazy developers and games with lack of innovation.

Games like Super Mario Galaxy are innovation based. Whether just as fun or not, the fact remains the Mario franchise is a franchise that reinvents itself everytime almost like a pheonix reborn from its own ashes where as FPS games by and large just put on a different skin and some minor adjustments.

The Graphics Whores in this thread just seem to be comming to the aid of this current trend in gaming where you make as many mediocre mature games as possible under one of three settings (Urban/Sci-Fi/Fantasy) and either make it a car steeling sim, slasher action adventure or an FPS. Its a cash-in strategy where the same game is virtually being rehashed over and over, and you fall for it every time buying into the hype alone because the game just looks so pretty or has this undeniable "wow" factor to it. You're sheep and you don't even know it using a child's logic of graphics and gore alone make you a big boy gamer.

As much as you want to deny it, you can't hide the fact that the PS3 is just shoveling out FPS after FPS to disrupt the 360's market and steel their thunder by trying to appeal to the bad boy crowd that is mostly defined by tasteless adolescant males who value excitement over fun. NEWS FLASH! This isn't Sony's intended ideal of the future of gaming, this is what they're left with when all their third party support jumps ship. ALL THEY HAVE LEFT TO WOW YOU WITH NOW ARE THEIR FLASHY DISRUPTION TACTIC GAMES THAT WERE ONLY EVER MEANT TO BE SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE GAMES THEY'RE FOR THE MOST PART NOT GOING TO BE GETTING!

Don't get me wrong though, MS is similaraly doing the same with mediocre games like Bullet Witch and Call of the Juaro which act as little more than speed bumps in the history of gaming. But no MS fan has ever tried to convince you that every crappy 360 game was going to be the measure by which all gamers after would be measured like Sony Fans do now. The key difference is that Sony is putting more money and a lot more hype into its games trying to make you think you're buying the best game ever made everytime where as MS just keeps trucking doing their own thing, and the behavior is pretty accurately reflected in most fans..

Stop trying to convince yourselves that "mature" themed games in this current trend are intended to appeal to anyone other than adolescant boys so stop attacking anyone (Nintendo) who tries to save this stagnant market driven by games which sell themselves on excitement value and graphics, not the fun.

ripper said:
Good for nintendo! That is why i bought a wii for my kids (and a ds lite each!) and i keep the 360 for me. I know nintendo will put out a lot of good games for kids that aren't overly gruesome or nasty.

.... Can I get a side of condiscention with that sarcasm? 

Proud Owner Of: Wii, DS, PSP, Xbox 360 (Brother owns PS3 & PS2)

Things that have changed since the last Generation of Gaming:

- Nintendo has shown us you can have the best selling console of all time with virtually no games for it.

- Graphics suddenly matter to Sony fans but Reverse Compatibility and Dual shock oddly enough don’t.

- Kiddy Crap is trendy with Hardcore gamers now that it’s no longer Nintendo’s “thing” (Viva Piñata, Little Big Planet, Banjo Kazooie 3, LBP)

- Third Party Developers are now essentially the equivalent of Video Game street pimps.

- Gimmicks are no longer fads (Wii-mote)... Well, not all Gimmicks (PS-Eye)