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The pack-in I would want the most is backwards compatibility. I like my PS2, but am well aware that it's only a matter of time before it stops working some day. The PS3 on the other hand seems to be extremely reliable, probably since very few expenses were spared in designing it.

If that isn't happening, then it's more about exclusive content than price to me. A vast majority of titles that interest me are either on the Wii or PC, and most of the noteworthy PS3 exclusives are very short, so I can play them by borrowing a friend's console for a few weeks. Little Big Planet is a very good example of what I'd want, but it's just one title. Maybe if PSN games really took off, since a lot of them seem like great fun.

Probably getting one anyway if the price ever drops to 200€, but even 300€ is acceptable if it gets the ability to play PS2 games and/or a notable amount of interesting exclusives.