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TheRealMafoo said:
rocketpig said:
Jo21 said:
rocketpig said:
I don't understand the iPhone hate. It's the most useful device I own and I would easily forfeit every other device I own before the iPhone (excepting my work computer).

iPod, phone, email access, Internet, gps device, yellow pages, on the go camera, etc etc etc all in one device. Briiliant. I don't know how I lived without it.

The app store increased the usefulness of the phone incredibly. There are some bitter little kids in this thread.


okay look for this devices.


nokia 5800 "tube" , nokia n96, motorola zn 5, blackberry thunder, samsung onmia, lg viewty, sony ericsson x1.

then come back and think of what you said.

Er? Because other companies make nice phones, the usefulness of the iPhone is somehow invalidated?

Like I said, I do not understand the hate for the iPhone. It's a hell of a device, just like some of the phones you listed.


The iPhone is far better then those devices at everything they all do (aside from being a phone, the iPhone is an adequate phone. but nothing better then any other phone).


  • Best phone for playing games: iPhone
  • Best phone for watching movies: iPhone
  • Best phone for playing music: iPhone
  • Best phone for surfing the web? iPhone
  • Best phone for storing and viewing pictures: iphone
  • Best phone for email: iphone


Where the iPhone is not the best, is as a camera, and it's GPS does not do turn by turn. It does have google maps, and that blows most phones away with it's usefulness compared to there GPS/Map offerings.

The iPhone kicks ass.

  • Best phone for playing games: LG Dare
  • Best phone for watching movies: LG Dare
  • Best phone for playing music: LG Dare
  • Best phone for surfing the web? LG Dare
  • Best phone for storing and viewing pictures: LG Dare
  • Best phone for email: LG Dare

Sorry but the LG Dare > the iPhone in everyway. Heck most BlackBerries do.

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