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Edit: If consoles were girls - CRAP I can't spell! PS3- She seemed nice at first: a very good looker with several "exclusive" features. But after a little while she's just turned into a real high-maintenance cash-grabbing bitch who you desperately want to leave, but whom you strangely feel compelled to stay with just to see how it all turns out. She's now inviting you to move into her Home, which could lead to a beautiful relationship...but you still have your reservations. She IS still really hot even after you first laid eyes on her in 1995, but a gold digger nonetheless. Her real life equivalent: Catherine Zeta Jones Xbox 360- The rich girl who has won over many because she is actually quite nice and not as materialistic as we originally thought she was. She's almost as hot as (or hotter than) the PS3 and doesn't whine as much, but over the long term will she still be quite as attractive? Overall, still a classy and reliable choice and one that'll get you the thumbs up from your mates. Her real life equivalent: Nicole Kidman Wii- Her previous incarnation was really hot in the 90s, but she kinda lost popularity over the turn of the millennium. However now, she's had a complete makeover and is back in the spotlight again with features that appeal to pretty much everyone. But then again she was idolised ever since the 80s and has a massive hardcore following to this day. She is fun in a harmless and innocent kind of way, but if you're the type that prefers paintball skirmishes over playing twister you are going to be disappointed. Her real life equivalent: Drew Barrymore

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)