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NiKKoM said:
Fei-Hung said:
@thanny - it is this gens must own console. It offers far more then the others do. No one said the ps3 isn't. This article just says the next one will be a must own to!

MS may have a good boost this gen, but it doesn't stop the console being weak and costly with the amount of money you need to spend buying additional for it.

P.S your sarcasm is much appreciated. It gives the thread more depth that we all needed and were in lack off.


Please.. I bet you could make sausages with the 360.. :P

OT: Download Only Consoles will not happen the next generation.. they will cut off too many consumers without highspeed internet.. but i'm intrested in the whole Larrabee thing.. Squilliam has a nice thread about that.. Nice article, good find Fei Hung!


No, but you could cook them! Sorry, I'd be loath to miss such an easy jab!