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BMaker11 said:
Soriku said:

I love people who think their opinion is fact. If people didn't think highly of the Wii's line up, why is it outselling the 360 and PS3 combined?

Tell you the clue.

The Wii started outselling both the moment is was released. Are you telling me it's LAUNCH games are making it outsell the competitors? Or the Wario: Shake It (recently released)?

I've said it before in another thread somewhere. It's the novelty of waggling. People think, "Oh I want a Wii because I CAN BE IN THE GAME", so it doesn't matter how crappy the game is (come on now, why are all the Wii reviews for multiplat games so much lower?) the fact that you're controlling the motions is the kicker. Otherwise, why do you think that chart of "the most quality games" ever showed up, having the PS3 as the highest and the Wii as the lowest? All the shovelware (and there is tons of it) throws off the average.

Yeah, go ahead and play the Wii version of MAdden, I'll play the original

I'll pass along a tip I learned back in high school. When you start out by saying "I have no idea what's going on here", it's usually best to not act like you have a clue a few seconds later. The admission of ignorance weighs heavily in the reader's mind, and thus destroys your credibitility before you've even begun.

The damage gets even worse when your claim is unsupported drivel, quod erat demonstradum. While we, your fellow forum-readers, appreciate your honesty in the first sentence, and are now all quite willing to agree that you have no clue, we were quite happy to take your word on the matter of your ignorance; the definitive proof you've just offered, while unassailable, was also superfluous.