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Kurakasa said:


Oh, I did not know that GH3 has sold that much on 360/Wii/Ps3. In fact, I thought it has sold something like 8 million, as does this site. Well I guess that is false information.



Oh, lol, my how we move the goal posts.

Now you claim that "this gen" refers to a console and not a time frame.

So, I suggest that instead of generalizing your statements, you start being specific so people don't think you're wrong all the time.


"No game has sold more than GTAIV this generation on PSWii60, except bundled games, which I don't think should count, nor should handheld, PS2, or PC games count, because if they did, my statement wouldn't hold true."


Did I tell you I'm the best football player in my yard?

Oh GTAIV, No game has sold more than GTAIV this generation on PSWii60, except bundled games, which I don't think should count, nor should handheld, PS2, or PC games count, because if they did, my statement wouldn't hold true. What an accomplishment!!!

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.