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Kurakasa said:


GTA 4 has sold over 10 million copies, only game that comes even close is cod4. Of course you can nitpick wii play or even wii sports if you are looking for excuses. Those 2 are bundled games, no matter how you slice it.


Would mario kart wii sell on 360? My guess is it would propably sell something like million copies, tops.


Where did I say that GTA 4 is the best selling game ever? I am pretty sure I said "this gen".


You said this gen. You were wrong. You act like it's fair to compare games that are cross platform to games that are exclusive, in sales, but you then act like it's unfair to include Guitar Hero 3, and you just leave out handhelds alltogether, because they don't fit with your incorrect and silly reasoning. You said "The game has sold better than any other game this gen." Do you care to bullcrap us as to why you were actually right, even though you are so obviously and factually wrong? Or instead, do you wish to revise your statement, and act like we were stupid for not being able to read your mind and understand what you were really trying to say?

Go ahead. Wiggle.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.