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ChichiriMuyo said:
The game will still do well at Christmas, possibly tacking on a couple million more units at full-price. HD console sales pick up in the holidays and new console owners will need something to play. The game should certainly get past 10 million units at full-price, and should end up with Vice City-like numbers after budget copies sell. Less than they had hoped to have, for sure, since the budget for the game was enormous. There's still ~$10 paid toward development costs for every copy sold, and they were probably shooting for it to be half of that in the end.


Yeah, but the game costs way more to make than Vice City(I'm guessing) and it will sell way less(just over half of what San Andreas sold).

It's easy to see why hardcore gaming is far less profitable than it was even 5 years ago. Plus the cost of living is up, and if your game flops, you're done.

Today, you get much more risk, and far less potential reward for making an expensive core game. TT thought something was gonna magically happen when they released their masterpiece. It didn't. The world didn't end. People were still buying Wii's, and GTAIV didn't move much hardware like everyone expected it to. The game's not a failure. It's just a dissapointment(for them, sales wise).

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.