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dallas said: 1. Consumer confusion will be non-existant once the blu-ray wins. I am not saying that the blu will win b/c of smoking too much opium which I dabble in on frequent occoasion, I am saying that b/c the news clearly shows that it is winning. 2. High prices will decrease the prices of players once the industry consolidates to the blu-ray format....prices are going down already and it was like this as well when the first "normal" dvd players came out.
I would actually say the more important part of the first bolded section was "sales of both formats have been disappointing ..." People talk about how well Blu-Ray is doing compared to HD-DVD but don't see the big picture; compare the quote "We sold 130 million DVDs last quarter" and "consumers spent only $200 million in 2006 on movie downloads and HDTV DVDs" and what you realize is that Disney made (roughly) 10 times as much money off of DVD sales in one quarter than the entire industry made off of HD DVD/Blu-Ray moves and downloads combined ...