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Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Wow, it kicks more ass than I expected. I've only been through the first three tutorial stages fighting that hispanic goblin things, and it's showing quite a bit of depth. I can't wait to sink my teeth into this. I love games that are so micromanagement intensive that you spend just as much time in menus setting up your characters as you do fighting. Anybody remember Ogre Battle 64? That kicked ass, somebody needs to make a new one of those. But till then I will be putting alot into this. It will definately hold me over until LBP and the onslaught of holiday titles.

glad to see you enjoying the SONY Playstation 3 Computer Entertainment System...




Disgaea 3 looks like the best PS3 game out (in NA, otherwise I would've said Valkyria) right now. I think I should (really) get into the Disgaea series. The DS is gettng a remake of the first one...should I invest in it?

I idea about Disgaea....looks awesome though.

But I would say try the DS one.....n in the future when you get a Ps3 for can get Disgaea 3 too....right


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey