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His name is Boll.... Uwe Boll. He is the antichrist of Video games and the sultan of Disastrous film making. As gamers, we should sign a petition to stop Uwe Boll ruining what we gamers consider dear to us; Games.

Single handedly, he has ruined Video Games Films such as; Bloodrayne, House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark. He has also secured the rights to make; Bloodrayne 3 and Alone on the Dark 2. 

What is next? What if he makes a Halo Film? What if he makes a Zelda film? What if he makes Tekken film? What if he takes what we hold dear to us and ruins it in a single film?

As true gamers, we should unite; regardless of brand support and cast out this evil merchant of gaming filming death into retirement. It is the least we can do. Sign up and let us create the biggest petition against Mr Boll and his art of Shite film making.