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windbane said: Can someone just tell me what they except from HD-DVD that will turn the momentum back around? Seriously. I'd like to know, because no one from the HD-DVD camp has a plan. How can you compete with not having all the studios blu-ray has? It's impossible. Why would they switch support at this point? Instead of spouting the same misinformation, how about a real explanation for how HD-DVD is supposed to recover from the blow it is being dealt right now.
It may or may not - if it doesn't I do not think it will be because of BluRay, I think it will be because very few people are interested in upgrading to either. I would also say some of those studios will jump ship if the PS3 continues to fail (for you to say HD DVD is going to fail after a two month down period, then I can call the PS3 a failure. Afterall, the Betamax/VHS battle was fought for nearly 10 years where I am sure both formats had their ups and downs and Sony had their muscling techniques back then as well). Anyway, how could they not expect BluRay to have a couple of good months with a million plus PS3 consoles newly on the market? I am sure there was some interest for PS3 owners to buy up a bunch of movies - particularly with the coupons that I believe I have read are in the PS3 box. I recently got the HD-DVD drive for the 360 and have purchase 4 or 5 movies in the past week. I suspect that will end as they are expensive and there is no need to have every movie in this format. If I want a comedy or non-visually spectacular movie there is no way I would blow money on an HD-DVD. Right now, there are about an equal amount of movies on each that are worth owning for the HD quality so I do not feel like I am missing anything by not having BluRay. Ultimately it doesn't matter to me as I got this as a toy to play with my HD TV and am happy with how regular DVDs look on it. Sure the HD DVDs look amazing, but the DVDs do not look bad. And I assure you that 99% of the people I know will have no interest in upgrading to either. People have invested so much money in DVD libraries so soon after VHS that they are not going to buy into this unless they have to. There are people who still use VHS and have been slow to convert to DVD - to ask them to do this so soon? Forget it! Plus the people who are going Pay Per View and downloading... I find it increasingly fascinating how upset people are getting about this format and the console battle. It is making great reading material!