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CrashMan said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

After so many years of playing PC games where both are present, I can safely say... swapping discs is worse.

I have No-CD cracks for pretty much every PC game I own.  I can play every game straight off my hard drive without ever having to swap a disc beyond that very first install.  It's beautiful.  ^_^


 *GASP* I am reporting you to the FBI!

Any who, PC gaming and Console gaming are very different in this area.  While I agree 100% with you from a PC gaming stand point, The extensibility of Hard Drives in a PC make storage a much smaller issue.  If you have a 40 GB Hard Drive with a 20 game library, each needing to dump a gig and a half on the drive, you are gonna run out of space real quick.

umm... the PS3 says "hi."


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it