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You may not have to reduce the scope of gameplay to reduce technical demands, but it seems to happen rather frequently. In an industry where you can make easy money that way it happens far too frequently. Licensed games are usually the biggest offenders where the game on a less robust hardware often doesn't at all resemble it's brethren. I can't speak for SW:TFU because i haven't played it on any platform. I believe I now understand what you mean however.

Take Castlevania: SotN and Castlevania: AoS for example. I can see how some might call them the same game. However for me SotN outshines AoS and really only because of the systems on which they appeared. The PlayStation game offered far more variety in enemy types, locations, items, weapons as well as offering a superior soundtrack and more animations(possible because of being on a CD and not a cart). Not to say that AoS is bad by any means(probably my favorite GBA game besides Golden Sun), simply that even if the names of the games were the same those finer points make it a different experience to me. Even though the game play is pretty much the same between them. If we just boil it down to game play then Metroid and to an extend Megaman are also the same game.

Hopefully given my example you can see why at least to me the game would be "different" on any other platform.