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What about people sharing account information? What's stopping me from giving my friend my Steam account info and having him play the games as long as he wants, and even buy more games. Sure we can't play at the same time, but one of us is still getting the game for free. I realize that this would solve large scale pirating, but that may also mean that the pirates start off going small scale, just by sharing passwords. If every gamer shares his info with a friend then the game sales are effectively cut in half. If they share it with 2 friends then there will be more "pirated" games than legit ones.

Truth is data is just 1's and 0's and your computer can't distinguish where those 1's and 0's have been at all or where they are coming from. Unless companies bundle a webcam and you are required to have it on while you play, or fingerprint/iris identification for the game to be played, I don't think piracy will be resolved.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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