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Well the thing is, unless it is a private server online games cannot be played when they are pirated. Private servers usually don't have as many players if any at all and all that. TF2 has no single player component at all and you need to be online to play it and to play the official servers you need the official version. That's why multiplayer games, like Blizzard's, don't get copied as much as strictly single-player.

That's also why UT2004 went against all pirating, you could install a copy with your friend's cd, update it to the 2nd patch that came out (I think they released it literally 4-5 months afterwards) and then you were set. Online didn't check cd-keys or anything, because of that ballsy move Epic was up there with Blizz and Valve when it comes to favorites, well until they made a console version of UT3 and fucked up the PC version royally, but i digress.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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