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axumblade said:
vlad321 said:

Game of the year:Starcraft 2 (If December launch rumor is true, only one other developer can match Blizzard's quality of games.) or Left4Dead ( And that developer is also releasing a game this year), OR Wrath of the Lich King

Best Shooter: Left4Dead (If it doesn't win GOTY) Project Origin, Dead Space

Best RPG: Fallout 3, or Wrath of the Lich King

Best Graphics:Crysis Warhead

Best Action Game: Ninja Gaiden 2

Best Team Sports Game: Madden 09

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2, Fable 2, too many possible ones atm.

Best Wii Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl, or Mario Kart Wii

Best PS3 Game: LBP or MGS4

Best PC Game: Too many, L4D, SC2, SPORE, WotLK, Fallout 3, also too many possible ones to call.

Best Multiplayer Game:Starcraft 2, Left4Dead, and if they have won something, WotLK,


The biggest variable is Starcraft 2 since I have heard rumors of a December release. If that is true then there will be no competition whatsoever for Game of the Year, unless money was involved. Unless Gears of War 2 improves heavily on what was already there, something I haven't seen at all, then it will get blown away by titles like Left4Dead, Dead Space, and Crysis Warhead, assuming those titles don't suck and live up to their previews.

You strangely forgot about the new WoW expansion. It will be big, REALLY big. Anything Blizzard releases usually wins some award at the end of the year. Since it's an expansion I doubt it will be GOTY, especially with all the others in there, but Multiplayer almost for sure unless Starcraft 2 comes out or Left4Dead beats it out. LBP will give MGS4 a run of its money, if it really is as good as the hype. Fable 2 and GOW2 will have a nice bout for best 360 game. Wii will also be interesting, but I'm fairly sure that it will be between Brawl and Mario Kart.

Another x-factor is Dead Space, it caan completely blow GOW2 and L4D away, or it could just plain suck so we will have to wait and see. Project Origin will probably be good, same team that made FEAR and it seems they are really fixing up the very few flaws that they had (evironments) and upping on what they excelled at (even better AI).


Project Origin (or Fear 2: Project Origin) has been delayed until 2-19-09. :( Unless the PC version is coming out sooner then the PS3/360 version.



NOOOOO, I was really looking forward to playing this thing. I loved the first FEAR, it got some serious scares in it, granted some weren't as but others were damn effective.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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