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lapsed_gamer said:

Two things:

1. You never "own" a game. Or a movie, song, or even book for that matter. You cannot expect to do what you please with any media. You purchase certain rights of use. If those rights are not broad enough for you, don't purchase. For most, those rights are enough to enjoy the game.

2. Those of you who worry about 10 years in the future might not need to. First, Spore 4 might be out by then (porting all your current creations with every release) and second, that limitation might be eliminated by then. A few years from now they might determine the risk that someone may copy an old game is not worth the overhead of running the over-the-phone verification. Similar things have happened with PC games for me.


Sorry dude, but that's complete BS. Sounds like you work for EA there. I don't care what technicality says about my hardcopies. If I buy a game on Xbox 360, I know that I'll have that game forever. If the world ends, I will be able to find a broken Xbox 360, fix it, and play my game on it, because I bought and paid for it.

I also rent games. I use gamefly.

I don't rent games for 60 dollars, and if I did, they would be a hell of a lot better than Spore.

Muct less, you didn't even address the SecuRom, or whatever, that's like an uninstallable virus that always runs in the background and uses computer resources, which is unremovable sans a reformat, or so I hear.

I have a huge game collection. Yes, I want them to still work in 10 years. So does everybody else.

Not to mention there is very little purpose whatsoever, in any of this DRM crap in the first place. Is someone is smart enough to use a no-CD crack, they're smart enough to pirate the game. When the pirated version is superior, you have an issue. Especially in an age when PC gamers actually prefer to download their games.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.