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Desroko said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Well...who's to say Chris wasn't good friends or like family with the people there?
I'm guessing he won't be...but still. I suppose that could have made for a better story...but that's a fault in the story...not a racist mistake.

Not, it's a mistake that unwittingly resembles racism. Not nearly the same thing, but still not good, and entirely avoidable.

 "avoidable"?  Why the hell does this matter so much?  People make up racist ideas in their heads...Capcom is not obligated, nor should they have to change anything about this game.  So perhaps they'll lose the same customers as the ones that don't buy Castle Crashers...whoop-dee-doo.  It's not racist, and there's no reason Capcom should have had to "avoid" this design.  It makes sense for black people to be in Africa, and again, nobody has problems when we kill white people in games.

Call me when people stop whining about petty stuff like this.  

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )