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I feel like if I answer you, I'd be arguing with a brick wall who's stance obviously wouldn't change, so I'm going to just leave it. Why don't you instead explain, in specifics, why it couldn't be GRAPHICALLY done on the 360?

IMO, maybe - MAYBE, if the game was 3-dimensional, in that I mean not a side-scroller, maybe I could accept your argument..and maybe if I played the game first hand, and saw some flat out jaw-dropping textures and graphics then I could agree with you. But from what I've seen of the game? I've done 3d design..I actually have a degree..from WHAT I'VE SEEN, it's nothing out of this world.

By saying that the 360 couldn't duplicate these graphics, you're saying that LBP has better graphics than CoD4, yes? I find that hard to believe, and at this point in time, would have to strongly disagree.