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Because he's a foreigner working in the country as aid or something like that...

And I just spent the last hour reading through comments on Kotaku, Black Looks, and here...ugh, I'm just sick of it all.

I think the general consensus is, Kym Platt is an idiot, and one person should never be treated as a spokesperson for an entire race.

You should read Kym's first reply on Black Looks: "Yes… I am more comfortable with the zombies being white. In fact, ALL zombies should be white from this day forth."

To be honest, I'm sick of racism against white people. This may make me sound like a racist, but it's my honest opinion. For quite a while, black people have been able to say whatever they want about white people, and if anybody questions them, they're labeled a racist. It doesn't work like that for white's ridiculous. I'm all for equality, but some of the biggest names in black rights seem to have double standards. Same for feminism...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )