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Gnizmo said:
nitekrawler1285 said:

Because of nintendos shitty online and Microsofts closed network policies i'm sure it would've been a very different game on another console.  Besides that i'm not sure that last gen consoles would be able to handle the physics calculations.  Those two things alone would make it a "completely different game" let alone the laundry list of other things i could nitpick about  were it not on PS3. Notice no mention of the OMG graphics.

When developers build a game around a console's strenghts it's sure to be a different product on a different console.

 Those are some terrible examples. Nintendo has already got a game where level design is shared freely and openly with-in the community live right now. It would not require a massive amount of change to turn Brawl's level a day net code into an open system where it is shared. All the levels would have to be stored in a database so it would simply be a matter of allowing you to access them rather than restrict you from them. If Nintendo's system can handle it then I have to imagine you would agree any online system could handle it. The level sharing part of the game is not complex or hard to pull off in the least. It isn't even part of what makes the game innovative quite honestly (but is part of what makes it viable).

 Now for your second point. If you are arguing that physics calculations make it a different game I have yet another example of where the Wii has the best selling high profile third party game. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed uses a completely different physics engine on the Wii. Completely different game beause of physics clearly does not hold water.

 Please bring this laundry list out because I am bored at work and would enjoy picking them apart piece by piece. Truely revolutionary games that require a whole new system are extremely rare. If you are not creating a new genre of game (and Little Big Planet certainly is not a new genre) then there is a very small chance that the game could not have been done before. This does not diminish the game in the least however. Half-life, Okami, Shadow of the Colossos, Ikaruga, Super Mario Galaxy and a laundry list of other games are absolute masterpieces and amazing additions to gaming while not requiring the hardware they specifically use.

Brawl does not allow you and up to 3 friends create levels simultaneously. Given my experience with that examples netcode i'm don't really want to see them attempt it

I misread your first post and assumed that you said LBP could've been done on the ps1/n64 pardon my mistake.  however i still don't understand you're argument as the wii is not a last gen system.  If you can show me something that has attempted something similar on the ps2/gc/xbox then i will concede that point.

As for the laundry list here goes

if it were on wii i wouldn't be able to:

1. voice chat (although i do realize nintendo will finally release an option for that this holiday season with wii speak)

2. Make images to import to the game because of no camera (even if they could allow us to import from sd the card that still represents a sizable difference in my potential to do so given it only has 512mb as opposed to a hdd)

3. Take advantage of the sizable amount off assets that the developers have created because of it not all fitting on dvd or even two or three of them.

4.  I don't know if the wii can upload user created videos to youtube but i don't believe it can, please correct me if i'm wrong

5. Being that i find the visuals to be quite wonderful it would be sad to see that diminish

if it were on the xbox360:

1. I don't think they would allow users to share content so openly.  If Epic of all people couldn't get mods for UT3 then I don't think anyone else would be allowed to.  There was an article a while back about how it would've had to change if on live vs psn.

2. Take advantage of the sizable amount off assets that the developers have created because of it not all fitting on dvd or even two or three of them. ( a repeat i know but probably still true) Not to mention every 360 user doesn't have a HDD and i'm sure that would cause problems as well.


The mantra that the developers state over and over again is Play, Create, Share.  Being on any other system at this time would affect our ability to Create, or Share thus dramatically altering the game.

"That's another thing - if we didn't have a hard drive on every unit, we'd have to scale back the ambition of what you could save and do. So yes, you could make this game on the 360, but it'd be a different game."