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bbsin said:

What do you guys prefer IF YOU ONLY HAD TO CHOOSE ONE.

1. Main characters that decides what they do for themselves and speak freely.

example: Kratos, Marcus Fenix, Master Chief, Cloud, Ratchet & Clank, Resident evil characters, Dante, Solid Snake, etc


2. Main characters that never speaks for themselves and lets the user talk for them.

example: Link, Wander (SoTC), Ico, Diablo characters, Fallout guy/girl, Crono, Gordan Freeman, Pokemon trainer, etc


I'd go for chose 1. Characters that don't talk makes me feel like the game is unlively.


wander did speak, he asked the demon thing to revive the girl sadly not much but he did speak.

same as ico.


for me with voice, i know they are people and what they are feeling depending of what they say and how.