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johnlucas: I know what you mean, the Wii has done two things for me 1. it also makes me interested in titles I've never been into before, Madden and Tiger Woods have never held my interest but I've been suddenly interested in trying them in this new way. Godfather as well looks amazing what's done with the controller. 2. I find alot of franchises that have lost my interest are suddenly reborn. I would have never bought Warioware(has anyone here played bungee buddies? I think playing that has been one of the most memorable moments in gaming, insanely hilarious) or had any desire to pick up Mario Party if it wasn't for these new controllers taking these party concepts to whole new levels. I also find myself losing interest in the old controls. I love Tennis in Wii Sports, and after trying a demo of Virtua Tennis a franchise I've always enjoyed, I found it suddenly boring. I'm desperatly craving a full blown tennis title on the Wii, I'm seriously hoping a Wii Virtua Tennis is on the way(or a Mario Tennis, even a Wii Tennis would be nice.) I find it odd that despite all the great sports the Wii-mote loans it self too, the only sport that third parties have explored are Golf and Football.