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The video series is pretty hard to sum up, but I'll try to get the key points.

* GameStop employees are rated on how many trade-ins, magazine subscriptions, and reservations they get, which encourages them to do anything to raise their numbers for those things
* The mark-ups on used products versus trade-in values are akin to a pawn shop's: they'll pay $25 for a traded in game which they then re-sell as used for $55
* GameStop knowingly buys stolen copies of video games to resell
* Employee benefits are basically nonexistent, and promotions are a joke
* If you're employed at GameStop, you're signed up for a debit card service that nobody accepts and that you have to pay outrageous fees just to withdraw money from
* Corners are cut everywhere to reduce expenses: customers frequently get roped into being the play-testers for traded-in games and systems

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.