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Jumping to the next generation in a mere 20 months would not only be stupid, but potentially disastrous for any developer stupid enough to go along with it.

Last year, most companies had such high losses that they out-paced their profits--THEY LOST MONEY. There are two major factors: The high cost of development for this generation, and the smaller install base because it's still a fairly new generation. Almost nobody made money, except for Nintendo, EA, and maybe a couple more. No developer anywhere is ready, or will be ready for the next generation so soon.

Worse, it'd be pointless. The PS2 is still managing to eek out surprises no one thought it was capable of doing, the Xbox and GameCube were killed before their full potential had ever been tapped. That's right, Halo 2, Doom 3, Metroid Prime 2, and Resident Evil 4 were all amazing, and none of them fully utilized their respective machines.

Now, we have three new machines, two of which have pushed raw horsepower to astronomical levels. Call of Duty 3 (X360) looked marginally better than if it was on Xbox. Then Gears of War blew it away. Somehow, amazingly, Gears of War 2 looks even better. Imagine how much more Gears of War 3 might look! There's no telling what the new machines are capable of--the Wii included. I think that The Conduit (yes, I'm seriously saying this) is only scratching the surface of what it truly buried in the Wii. With slight tweaking, The Conduit could probably run on the GameCube. The Wii is twice as powerful as that and developers are only now trying to find ways to push it. I'm not going nuts here, I won't say that the Wii can do what the X360 or PS3 can, simply that there is untold potential in all three systems and that it wouldn't just be a shame, but a damn crime against gamers to kill this generation too soon.

Here's the other thing, aside from the Wii, this generation's sales are hardly skyrocketing beyond the last gen. Hell, the PS2 continued to be a major contender through Christmas of last year proving that competently competing against the Xbox360, Wii, and all-too-often, overshadowing the PS3. The 6th Generation was not finished yet. And this generation will definitly not be finished in a mere 20 months. That's ridiculous. I doubt it'll be finished in 3 years. Nintendo and Sony are in it for the long haul this time. MS would be smart to follow suit.

Honestly, I don't want to see another generation show up until 2012 at the soonest. No sense in killing these machines until every last drop of processing power has been thouroughly tapped.