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Halo may have been overrated, but it did what it was meant to superbly. It stood by what it is- a first person shooter! graphics were good for what it is, the sound was good, the gameplay was awesome. It may have not been a totally new Halo experience but that was its only flaw.

I do not blame the game developers as much as I blame the critics. If they were to review the games fairly, it may encourage the developers to do a better job next time.

Killzone on the ps2 was another overrated game, but again, just like Halo, it played well and was a lot of fun.

GeoW may have been overrated, but the graphics were amazing, the sound was amazing, the story may not have been all so great but let's face it, most 1st person shooters lack great in depth story telling, but they make up for it with the action they bring; not to forget, GeoW was innovative offering a new style of gaming with the over the shoulder camera. It pushed gaming way more then GTA VC, San Andreas and GTAIV did. The best thing about GeoW is that it wasn't rated on a novelty or brand name such as GTA but it was rated for being a great game.