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360 expectations: Expected it to do really well considering the bad press on the ps3. However, it isn't doing anywhere near as good as it should be, considering the 1-1.5 year head start and cheaper price tag. Considering they have bought out many PS3 exclusives, again it has failed to reach my expectations. Thinking it offers a lot of games on a cheaper console that the ps brand would have normally have as an exclusive, i thought it would increase it sales respectably, but they didnt.

Looking at the previous gen, i also expected a better made console from MS. the Xbox was way better in every way then the ps2. It seems the 360 took a huge step back for the sake of profits. The Xbox came with a standard hardrive, now you have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for one! The faults made to offer a quality product took second to making a reliable console for the sake of profits, as a result creating the RROD saga and the circle of scratches on games due to not wanting to pay for 4 tiny rubber pieces to be put in where the laser is :s I thought MS LIve would step it up a gear considering they have had a head start but they didn't. they allowed Sony not only to gain, but what seems soon to give an ass whooping to them for being lazy and greedy *FACEPALM* at MS ... the shame :(

PS3 expectations: I thought it was going to have a seizure and die. The bad press, the bad launch games, the loss of exclusives, the price tag and the big gamble of the BR player. It is starting to triumph MS in almost every aspect now. Even MS LIve is becoming a thing of the past with the PSN upgrades and HOME. For being in 3rd place however, serves Sony right. This is what they get for taking their customers for granted and not taking their competitors seriously. It has cost them and although the PS3 has surpassed my expectations, doesn't mean it will see half the success the ps2 and ps1 have seen.