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A new generation of consoles when there are still games coming out for the previous generation? You are a fool.

It would be a very stupid move to start it off too early (look at what happened to Sega's Dreamcast). You must have a lot of money to throw around if you think nothing of buying a new console. I believe the next generation of consoles will be far more expensive than any previous generation. They will also challenge what we think of as a "console" much more than even this generation has.

If you constantly want to see vast improvements in the graphics department, then you picked the wrong platform. Get a PC where new more advanced hardware and software comes out for it constantly. You could constantly upgrade your graphics card, get bigger better RAM cards, upgrade your hard drive into the terabytes and beyond. You could do all sorts of cool things to get a better performance, like overclocking your CPU (make sure you've got a really good cooling system). The thing is you can build/buy PC's now that can do things gameplay wise that no console currently can. Most PC's you can currently buy at Best Buy completely blow the PS3 out of the water.

Console owners don't want to constantly have to buy a new better platform. It is too expensive and it is too cumbersome. Hell, it is downright f***ing annoying! A console should at least have a lifespan of seven years, preferably at least ten. It is getting harder now, due to the unbeleivably rapid rate that technology is improving. It's not only improving, but improving by leaps and bounds, and the rate at which it is improving is increasing.

The thing is, it sucks when a new console comes out with new games and the one that you grew to love with all your data and progress and time saved into it is suddenly...obsolete.