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ZenfoldorVGI said:

It Microsoft manages to stay in second place until 2010, it will have been a monumental victory. Past that, it'll be near impossible.

3rd party support will be firmly on board the 360 till the end of this gen, due to userbase, ease of development, and Microsoft support(moneyhatting as it is so elegantly called).

So, what that means is, the PS3 passing of the 360 means a lot to the PS3 as far as 3rd party support. It means little or nothing to the 360. It's ludcrious to believe that the 360 would actually lose any 3rd party support due to the fact that Sony could pass them in userbase by 2010, when games are so easy to port, and software sells so well on the 360.

That's my only point, though I admit it's a little off topic. I just want Sony fans to know that the inevitable second place victory of the PS3 in the console war, doesn't mean the death of the 360. In fact, for 360 owners, it means very little at all, unless they're the sort to tracks sales. In America and to a lesser extend Europe, the 360 is very popular, and any games that would be on the 360 now, will be on it in the future.



Also, it's quite interesting how close we had to move the goalposts for Sony consider this a victory. "ZOMG We're not longer last. Epic win!" How hard would that be to believe in 2006?

Are you sure? With the legendary success of PS2, games that SHOULD of been on PS3 has gone to Xbox360 and some even gone as far as Xbox360 Exclusive.