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Well, I guess I can answer now that I won't be influencing posts as the op.

1. Homosexuality is definitely NOT by choice. Hormones determine your sexual preferences and actions. Women and Men do not produce the same amount of the same hormones and homosexual people produce hormones similar to their opposite sex thus giving evidence that it is predetermined that they would be gay. Genes in turn determine what glands of hormones you produce so in reality its only a matter of time before early screening will determine if your unborn child has a high possibility of being gay.

2. Homosexuality is not a horrific thing. There is absolutely no reason why someone should be chastised or even consider 'abortion material' if you knew they would be gay. It would be a much better argument for some major mental/physical deformation that was guaranteed to cause early death or a really horrible quality of life for the child to even consider abortion as a positive solution.

3. Abortion should be an ultimate last resort, not an indiscriminate choice because you didn't take proper precautions. It has also been proven that around the 5th or 6th week the fetus responds to stimuli and has all of the other indications of life, therefore adoption by family or others should be a better consideration at that point. However, this is not advocating the idea of making it illegal, just as a family you should ensure it is not an option unless there is no other.

Well, I think that touched on every big nerve.