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jjseth said:
TalonMan said:
No, it IS way too early for anybody to be proclaiming anything dead. Yes, it seems that BluRay is making waves and yada, yada, yada... ...but what you guys are totally disregarding is that the mass consumer still doesn't give a crap about either of these new formats!!!

Come talk to me when either BluRay or HD-DVD manages to sell even a 10th of what DVD sales currently are. Until then, you all look like a bunch of scavangers fighting over crumbs...

...oh, and by the time that happens - perhaps digital media will have made enough advances so that both Sony and Toshiba will have wasted billions of dollars on an obsolete war. Congrats guys... :|

Once upon a time back in the 90's people really wondered what the big deal with DVD's were and that they would just fail and not displace VHS as the standard for movies, etc. When they were first released nobody knew why they would want such a thing as they had perfectly fine VHS movies that played good on their VCR's and TV's.


And then came the chinese who made $100 DVD players. And buddha saw it, and it was good. He sayeth, "let the masses watch DVD" and it was made so.