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Personally, I find the conspiracy discussions odd ...

Nintendo took a huge departure in strategy with the Wii and had good reason to expect a slow start and yet in every region the Wii is selling at (roughly) a similar rate to what the Gamecube sold world wide; the success is unexpected even to Nintendo and they have been (overly) cautious in increasing production.

An interesting thing to note is the people who expected the Wii to sell 250,000 consoles per month are upset that Nintendo didn't produce 1.5 Million systems per month off the bat; they expected the initial strong sales to disapear with the release of every PS3 game yet believe Nintendo should have dramatically ramped up production. Seriously, the Gamecube's yearly sales were 3 to 6 Million consoles per year and some people expect Nintendo to increase Wii production by more than that without an accurate measure of demand.