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Here is what I think

november at 6.5m
january at 9.0m
march (the price drop) 11.5m
july 08- 13.5m
end of 08- 20million this time we will see a $399.99 ps3..with all its features :D


1.wii- loosing huge momentum around 24-26m

2.ps3- gaining momentum around 18-22m

3.360- loosing life around 16-19m


1.ps3-still holding momentum around 30-34m

2.wii- becoming a gamecube around 28-32m

3.360-last microsoft console around 20-24m

Why will ps3 sell better than wii and why will wii lose momentum?

The ps3 will drop to $399.99 in march, they always drop the price in march, if this occurs the sales will rocket to as much they have sold in the holidays. 3rd party will make more exclusives on the ps3 than on 360 etc...
Wii will lose momentum due to lack of thought for any new ideas, console owners may start getting bored of moving there arms every day to play a game.

360 will die just like genesis, and sega saturn, atari you name it, 07 will be the last of the great 360 years for sales.

