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Epiphany FTW.

The only problem i see with this is, that it's mostly going to eat away the share of Firefox, Opera and others like them more than the Internet Explorer share. Although, Google may push Chrome pretty heavily and gain some "additional" share from IE.

Well anyway, it's starting to look like M$ finds its home in the Office in the next ten years.

@Disolitude: In the browser business there's not much to gain, but you should see this as a protective measure. M$ could push its own internet search with IE (like they have done) or block Google ads with it (like the IE8 does) and cut down Googles revenue (after all, IE still is the market leader in most countries).
This is a little similar thing than Xbox or M$ "blacmailing" Asus for their eee laptop.

The browsers meaning have and still is, changing, with web 2.0, the browser is becoming more like an operating system, instead of just an window to internet. I was thinking earlier, that Nintendo could release an "online box" as Wiis successor, which would have all the important web features, but the services would be hosted by 3rd parties (actually the excact same thing as Nintendo is doing with the Wii at the moment, but apparently only testing the potential).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.