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I still don't get the Wii abandoning the hardcore argument. If you look at the Camecubes top Nintendo games, you'll see that most of them are already represented by the Wii in it's first year.

Mario Kart: Double Dash - New Kart on the way 0.893.851.866.60
Super Smash Bros Melee - New SSBB on the way 1.444.061.086.58
Super Mario Sunshine - New Mario looks SOOOO much better than Sunshine 0.873.731.315.91
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Launch Zelda decidedly more "Hardcore" than windwaker 0.892.441.054.38
Luigi Mansion - I don't think too many people will cry foul if they lose this one. 0.462.210.723.39
Metroid Prime - New Prime might just reinvent the console shooter 0.121.920.732.77
Pokemon Collosseum - Pokemon Battle Revolution... yay? 0.711.170.622.50
Animal Crossing - New Animal Crossing on the way 0.661.680.152.49
Mario Party 4 - one of four Mario party games... So Nintendo always did like the casual 0.921.130.392.44
Mario Party 5 - look above. If anything, we may actually get fewer MP's this time around 0.730.960.362.05
Paper Mario 2 - Super Paper Mario is already out. 0.461.230.261.95
Starfox Adventures - We don't know yet, but expect something. 0.320.950.581.85
Pikmin - nothing announced, but it's a possibility 0.560.780.271.61
Mario Party 6 - So much Mario Party! damn cube abandoned the hardcore gamer! 0.600.850.111.56
Super Mario Strikers - Charged jsut came out with ONLINE! 0.210.910.421.54
Kirbys Air Ride - Kirby is definately coming at some point. 0.450.960.121.53
Mario Party 7 - Probably the last one right, who'd want to buy another one? 0.470.900.111.48
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour - Nothing yet, but not the most hardcore franchise either
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Wii already has it! with motion controls! 0.040.920.341.30
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Already covered this one 0.070.820.371.26
Pokemon XD - What is it? 0.350.580.211.14
Mario Power Tennis - The success of Wii sports assures this one 0.460.530.151.14
Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness - What is this sequel? 0.520.590.001.11
Donkey Konga - DK jet race on the way 0.460.430.171.06
Pikmin 2 - See Pikmin 0.560.350.141.05

So less than one year into the race and the Wii is already catching up to the Cube. And with increased revenue to put into game development (and Monolith on board), I'm sure we'll end up seeing more "Hardcore" games than the cube. Not to mention the extra third party support

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.