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steven787 said:
Just when we thought that Nintendo was only going casual on DS they gave us NSMB. See Nintendo loves us. Many of us have memories that are far to short. Nintendo always has another carrot to put on the end of that string.

Sony and MS need to hold back, if the Wii succeeds they can extend the life of their consoles and recoup some of the losses. Wii opened them up to allow a life cycle that doesn't have to end as soon as they can start selling the next big graphical leap for under $600(used to be $300).

Longer life cycles would be good for gamers too.

OK man since win is nintendo the god of consoles? I love nintendo and all but if they did care so much about the consumer why are we seeing shortages in wii's? Why are we seeing games that are finished being released 5 months later. Sony doesnt need to hold back in any way, they won 2 console wars. The last time nintendo won anything was with the SNES bringing gaming to life. Sony has the most consoles out right now that are selling well. Combine psp ps2 and ps3 sales WW with wii and ds sales WW, you will see they are basicly the same. Sony doesnt need to hold back in anything, unlike nintendo and microsoft they dont kill there consoles and bring in a new one.

 The company out of all three that seems to have more love to the consumer is sony. They are basicly killing themselves since they trust that we will buy and enjoy there console. They are the only first party company that are working hard in bringin in a total of 15 exclusive games. I have nothing against nintendo at all, as for microsoft I can see them ending there race with the xbox 360. Though at one point sony and nintendo will join, if not this will continue and we might even be seeing ubisoft bring in a new console, or even square. Sony and nintendo are the biggest giants in the video game market.

