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Being that this discussion has turned to sales, without considering  quality Lair has a lot of problems which will prevent the kind of sales some people expect.

  1. Not a popular genre. As much as people will argue this one, flight simulators rarely ever break 1 million units sold and almost none pass that mark without the Starwars licence or cool planes. By going with Dragons Factor 5 may end up targeting gamers who normally don't play flight simulators but may also lose gamers who normally play flight simulators.
  2. New IP. There are countless properties that they could have licenced (Dragon Lance, Dungeons and Dragons, etc.) that would have given them a built in audience. By going with a new IP they have an uphill battle in making customers familiar with the title.
  3. Unique on the console. As much as being a unique game on a console can be a strength (everyone who wants that kind of game on that console will buy it) it also acts as a weakness because fans of a genre or topic may probably not own the system.
  4. Released on unpopular platform. Simply a numbers game, if the PS3 had four times the userbase and/or was selling 4 times as many units in a given timeframe games would sell better. It is simply a numbers game as there will always be a certain ratio of buyers who become interested in a game through reasonably random channels; the more people who own a console or are buying a console will increase your sales.