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shams said:
Nonquihote said:
Legend11 said:
So how will all this affect Lair sales? I don't think this game has any chance now of selling a million copies and very likely won't raise PS3 sales beyond what the price cut has.

Oh it will, its great grphics will out weight anything bad as far as the PS3/HDTV owners are concerned.

Kinda like Motorstorm, its graphics carried the game to nearly a million already.

Motorstorm was a launch title, and will almost certainly get better scores than LAIR will. LAIR also has no online component, so if people get annoyed with the single-player mode - its goodbye game.

Motorstorm also didn't really push hardware. It was a game to purchase if you HAD bought a PS3 - rather than a game to buy the PS3 to buy.

Finally - Motorstorm is effectively a "pack-in" title in Europe (many of the deals here in Australia for instance, give you a free copy of the game with the PS3 - for a few more $).

That (partially) explains why it has sold only 330k in the US, less than 100k in Japan - yet 570k in Europe. My old housemate bought it, and was very disappointed with it (I think he has now sold it).


Based on these figures, LAIR will be lucky to sell 500k worldwide. Lets wait for some more comprehensive reviews first anyway.


 Not it the usa.

It sold well thats what matters.

Europe had a chocie of Resistance or Motorstorm.  Since Both were 1/2 in sales charts they both sold around 600k give or take.  Europe is not as fps crazy as USA so it very much explains Motorstorm selling better over there with less people buying the shooter as their first game.

 Look at Forza sales, even with half the user base of USa the sales breakdown is 53% USa and Europe 47%

Finally whats to stop Lair from being a pack in title, nothing really.