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Well, I'm now in Baton Rouge, riding things out at my sister's house. Hope things don't get too bad. >_>

I probably won't be on much if at all, because she has four kids, not to mention the power will probably be out by this time tomorrow.

I'm a bit more worried about this storm than I was about Katrina, because I know a LOT of people at UNO, particularly in the music depratment, that are just like, "If this one's as bad as the last one, I'm just not coming back," including a lot of very close friends. I can deal with losing property and stuff, but not everyone I know. :(

Anywho, thanks for all the prayers, good wishes, etc. guys. :)

Btw, zucas and outlaw were already in Baton Rouge. I'm the only one that has evactuated to Baton Rouge. I noticed some confusion about that earlier in the thread. :)

Also, Gnizmo, another user here, lives in New Orleans and is a student at UNO. He'll be riding things out in Pensacola for the time being. :)