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I highly doubt that the PS3 will ever end up out of last position here. Any multiplat games on the PS3 that sell a million will probably do the same on the 360, and with the huge headstart it's just gonna take more than the next 5 years to catch up.

If the PS3 does pull ahead of the 360, then I believe that.

wii- 25

360- 41

PS3- 15

I mean, if those figures are correct, PS3 needs to score 26 unanswered million sellers just to tie. These generations aren't infinite. It takes more than a hardware lead. Just ask the Wii. You can consistantly sell more software, by the assloads, and it's still a pretty lofty goal.

I don't think either console will catch the 360, however, the Wii can shock and amaze. If the PS3 does pass the 360, it it'll be towards the end of the generation, and is many years away.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.