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HappySqurriel said:

I have heard of the microwave being used in several acts of cruelty recently, and it is about the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of ...

A baby or small animal will not die quickly inside of a microwave, (I imagine) it would be one of the most amazingly painful ways to die (imagine being burned alive from the inside out), and who/what ever is in the microwave will be screaming in extreme pain from the moment you put them in there so only the most heartless people in the world could be successful with their attempt.


that is exactly what i was thinking.. before reading the article, i was under the impression that she did it while not in a proper state of mind.. but it seems the reason she did it contradicts that.. and the only explation would be just this, you'd have to be heartless and have no appreciation for human life to do something like this