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General Discussion - Hazing! - View Post

stellabelg said:

Well I am not on school anymore lucky me but I serve in the army and I had to train a group of freshman last monday. Mate never had so much fun in my life. We started with some running and some swimming. Then I ordered them to stand still for 20 minutes. One of them had a cold and the swimming part didn't helped to stop his cold....Dude I never saw that amount of shit coming out of someone's nose before. That guy was not allowed to move so he couldn't clean it.

I passed that guy and complained about someone's facial hair. You know the usual stuff. 'Did ya shaved today? You did? Tell me then why I almost though Bin Laden was standing in front of me? You stay this weekend at the camp'; Then I went back and found out the guy with the cold has weeped his nose....With his uniform....I grounded him aswell. Weekend in the camp. Almost two weekends because he was trying to deny it.

In the afternoon we had a test of knowledge that also included some personal questions. I told them that all who had less than 70/100 had to stay whole the weekend in the camp. Pity for me they all passed so I grounded all of them who said they liked R&B/Hip Hop. They were not quite happy.

I went back this afternoon to see what they were doing. 'Washing clothes'. Oh boy did they look mad. Well I ordered them to have a run with me but we only did 2 miles to stop at a bar and their we spent hours drinking beer. If my boss would know this I would have been kicked out of the army but damned....I probably have to serve with this guys in my next mission Kosovo? Afghanistan? I don't want to be shot from behind.

You should have done all that dressed as Kirby.... that would have been funnier.