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It's been bugging me for the longest time. When I go to, or an actual Game Stop store, or some gaming websites, random 360 games get huge amount of hype where Wii games (and I guess I should include PS3 games,) get no hype at all.

I'm not trying to start a flame war, but it really annoys me.

Lost Odyssey, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Army of Two, Crackdown, to name a few, are games that were way overhyped. From what I've seen they got the scores they deserve (like, in the 7-8.9 range,) and even after my friends bought the games they agreed that they were really over hyped and didn't desreve to sell that much.

The fact that the 360 is getting tons of games in the first place where the other consoles aren't is the first thing that ticks me off, and the second is that 360 games that aren't all that great sell a lot better than they deserve, where some Wii and PS3 games that are great don't sell too well (No More Heroes, great game, and its sales were poop.)

Stores and websites that overhype 360 games also hurt the other consoles- the Wii is finally going to get a ton of 3rd Party support in the upcoming year ( is the link to upcoming Wii games,) and I just fear that they're not going to sell aswell as they deserve because of other overhyped, and overrated 360 games. I'm not much a PS3 fan (thought I own one,) and I feel like the same is going to happen to the PS3. What are your thoughts?